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liquid layer中文是什么意思

用"liquid layer"造句"liquid layer"怎么读"liquid layer" in a sentence


  • 液层


  • This is possible because the outer crust of the earth floats upon a semi - liquid layer
  • Mathematic model of the formation of a uniform liquid layer of binary fuel mixture inside a cryogenic target
  • The presence of a truly liquid layer between the core and the outer crust would allow such slippage , moderated by inertial forces
  • The result of analysis shows that the convective heat flux has main effect on fuel pyrolyzing and vaporizing , the liquid layer of pe fuel can increase the regression rate but also can cause unstable burning . 4
    研究结果表明:对流热流是引起燃料热解气化的主要因素, pe熔化产生的液体层提高了燃料热解退移速率,但液体层厚度增加到一定程度时,对发动机工作稳定性有负面影响。
  • Upon reaching the surface , the heated liquid will spread laterally in all directions until it reaches the edges of the container , where it will be deflected downward to the bottom of the liquid layer , eventually to be drawn back towards the heat source
  • In the model , many processes or phenomena such as crack friction and growth , heat conduction , phase transformation of oxidant particulates , heat generation by viscous liquid layer , chemical reactions of gases in cracks , heat and mass exchange between phases of gas and solid , are described
  • Good agreement is obtained between present cfd predictions and published experimental data of solari and bell [ 77 ] . the maximum standard error of the result is 18 . 9 % . the results can reflect the phenomena of different circulation area along the height of liquid layer and above the inlet baffle
    在1 . 2米塔径的冷模筛板塔上,提出使用热膜流速仪通过在平面内旋转探针测量三维流速的新方法,与计算结果的对比有力地说明了该方法是正确的。
  • Combining with the energy fluxes balance above fuel surface , the simulation and calculation of transient heat conduction of the pe fuel with liquid layer while melting and pyrolyzing are considered by use of the moving coordinates . the calculated regression rate of the pe fuel approximately tallies with the same kind of hybrid rocket motor test data from the abroad
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